
Global Outreach

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Matthew 28:19-20

How can I serve globally?

Our domestic and international mission partners are essential to taking the gospel to the globe. In addition to our financial support we take several short term trips to serve alongside them annually. Below are current opportunities that are available. Consider how you can pray, give, or go! Scholarships are available if financial assistance is needed.

Mexico Mission Trip

We will be taking a small team back to Queretaro, Mexico. We will continue to serve the rehab facility and the community schools.

Traveling to Queretaro requires a US passport and anyone interested in going to Mexico can contact Steve Vatter at steve@bartlettbaptist.org or fill out the interest form.

September 17-23, 2024  

Cost of Trip: $1,200 

Objective: Assist with local church planting efforts through various ministry opportunities, including community events, rehab ministry, etc.




Dominican Republic Mission Trip

We will be taking a team to the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic is home to over 11 million people, who mainly profess the Catholic religion. We are able to take a team to work with local believers and cross-cultural workers to share the gospel and make disciples. A current US passport is required. If you are interested in going on mission to the Dominican Republic contact Steve Vatter at steve@bartlettbaptist.org or click the “I’m Interested” button.

October 22-28, 2024  

Cost of Trip: $1,000

Objective: We will assist with various ministry opportunities within the schools in the community and a college located in the city.





Dallas Operation Christmas Child Trip

Each holiday season we take a team to the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Processing Center in Dallas, Texas to process and pack shoeboxes to be delivered all over the world! Volunteers must be at least 13 years old and have an accompanying adult. 

November 29-December 1, 2024 

Cost of trip: $175 for the first 2 family members, $50 for 3rd member | $400 max per family | $50 deposit due 9/29



Preparing to Go

Everyone interested in being a part of a BBC missions team must go through our application process. Read the Mission Participant Expectations to the right to help you get started. All the forms needed can be submitted online here. For mission trips outside the United States, you’ll also need a valid passport.

Scholarships are available!
Questions? Email missions@bartlettbaptist.org.

Did You Know?

Bartlett Baptist’s missions budget is funded solely through designated gifts from people like you, not through general budget giving. Your generosity allows us to send teams, provide equipment, and carry out missions efforts that help take the gospel to our neighborhoods and the nations. Additionally, through your generosity, we are able to offer partial scholarships to every mission trip participant in need of financial assistance.