
Global Outreach

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

Matthew 28:19-20

How can I serve globally?

Our domestic and international mission partners are essential to taking the gospel to the globe. In addition to our financial support we take several short term trips to serve alongside them annually. Below are current opportunities that are available. Consider how you can pray, give, or go! Scholarships are available if financial assistance is needed.

South Asia Mission Trip

South Asia is home to almost 2 billion people, most of whom have little or no access to the gospel. We are able to take small teams to work with local believers and cross-cultural workers to share the gospel, make disciples, and train local leaders in South Asia. A current US passport and vaccinations are required. If you are interested in going on mission to South Asia contact Steve Vatter at steve@bartlettbaptist.org. View our tentative trip opportunities below.

January 30, 2025 – February 8, 2025

This trip is full. 

Objective: This trip will consist of 8 team members. City outreach with local believers and cross-cultural workers. 
Team Member Needs: anyone 16+ welcome

Mexico Mission Trip

As the fastest growing city in the world with over 2.3 million people, Queretaro has less than 250 gospel preaching churches. Our IMB church planting partners, Moises & Eva, welcome teams from BBC for a variety of needs to support the ministry of Ebenezer Church. Short-term trips have included community outreach, prayer walking, and leadership development.

Traveling to Queretaro, Mexico does require a U.S. Passport.

February 20, 2025 – February 25, 2025

Trip Cost $1,200 | Deposit of $600 is past due

Objective: We will be hosting a marriage conference while we are there and will be doing school visits along with neighborhood evangelism. 
Team Member Needs: anyone 16+ welcome

Student Mexico Mission Trip

Our students will have the opportunity to share the gospel, encourage the church, and serve the community this Spring Break. We will be taking a small team back to Queretaro, Mexico to continue to serve the rehab facility and the community schools.

Traveling to Queretaro, Mexico does require a U.S. Passport.

March 15-20, 2025 | 9th – 12th grade

Cost of Trip: $1,500 | Deposit of $750 due by January 15, 2025

Objective: Assist with local church planting efforts through various ministry opportunities, including community events, rehab ministry, etc.




Preparing to Go

Everyone interested in being a part of a BBC missions team must go through our application process. Read the Mission Participant Expectations to the right to help you get started. All the forms needed can be submitted online here. For mission trips outside the United States, you’ll also need a valid passport.

Scholarships are available!
Questions? Email missions@bartlettbaptist.org.

Did You Know?

Bartlett Baptist’s missions budget is funded solely through designated gifts from people like you, not through general budget giving. Your generosity allows us to send teams, provide equipment, and carry out missions efforts that help take the gospel to our neighborhoods and the nations. Additionally, through your generosity, we are able to offer partial scholarships to every mission trip participant in need of financial assistance.