
Nursery & Preschool
At Bartlett Baptist, we strive to provide a safe, Jesus-centered nursery environment that is available during all of our Sunday morning and mid-week activities for our littlest ones. You and your family are important to us and we desire for our ministry to come alongside you in your efforts to raise Christ-like children.

At Bartlett Baptist, you and your family are important to us and we desire for our ministry to come alongside you in your efforts to raise Christ-like children. Our children’s ministry is offered for Kindergarten through 6th grade with sharing one purpose: showing the love of Jesus to you and your child. It is our hope that children come to know Him, grow in Him, and go out to serve Him with their lives.

We believe that God can do amazing things through the lives of young people, so middle school and high school years should not be wasted. Students in grades 7-12 have the opportunity to connect with Christ on a weekly basis through Switch Student Ministry with the ultimate goal of becoming more like Jesus every day.

1825 exists to see young adults( including those in college, those who have started careers, and those who are newly married) have a community and grow in Christ together. No matter your stage of life our Adult Ministries have something for where you are. You can find the community you’re looking and grow deeper in your spiritual walk through our thriving young adult ministry.

No matter your stage of life our Adult Ministries have something for where you are. You can find the community you’re looking and grow deeper in your spiritual walk through our thriving Women’s, Men’s, and Senior Adult Ministries.

Our Acts 1:8 Mission Strategy looks to develop mission partners and ministries within four specific areas: Bartlett (Jerusalem), Memphis/Mid-South (Judea), North America (Samaria), and internationally (ends of the earth.) Everyone can be involved in taking the name of Jesus to the nations.

The Worship Ministry at Bartlett Baptist Church believes that God desires us to develop our talents to the fullest to be used for His glory and to worship and honor Him. We have several ways that you can use your gifts to serve.

Iglesia Hispana Bautista de Bartlett
Iglesia Hispana Bautist de Bartlett ofrece una clase de Escuela Dominical y un Servicio de Adoración todos los Domingos para las personas cuya lengua materna es el español. Los Miércoles por la noche también puedes unirte a nosotros por medio de los estudios bíblicos, discipulado o en el evangelismo.

Donaldson Christian Counseling provides Biblical-based counseling to anyone who has a desire to seek the will of God in resolving conflict in their lives, improving their relationship with Christ, family, friends and acquaintances, or those who seek relief from the difficult issues of life.