Michael Priest - September 23, 2018
It's Your Serve

by Jonathan Carone | Sep 23, 2018
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CloseOf all Jesus’ interactions with His disciples, the events of John 13 were the most unexpected and awkward. The 12 had gathered with Jesus to celebrate the Passover meal. In the room that evening, there should have been a servant ready to wash the feet of Jesus and His followers. Instead, Jesus pulled up His robe, took a basin of water and a towel, and performed the task reserved for the lowliest of society. Compounding the awkwardness, Jesus said, in verse 15, “For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you.” The disciples were floored; Jesus actually expected them to follow His example. The example Jesus gave His disciples is also an example left for us. It is our time to serve just like Him.
Scripture References: John 13:1-17
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It's Your Serve | Michael Priest | September 23, 2018 | Listen |